imei check samsung


Find out technical and hidden information for your Samsung phone using its IMEI number. Compare specs, check warranty, carrier, blacklist, unlock and more services on

The device information will display the IMEI number. Back of your device ° You can locate the IMEI number on the back of your device. ° If your device has a removable battery, remove the battery to uncover the IMEI number. Purchase receipt; Check your purchase receipt or contract for the IMEI number. Your carrier's website

SamFw. Download Samsung Firmware max speed and Free. Official update. Home. Check IMEI. One UI 6.1's Motion Photo feature will be rolling out to older Galaxy devices soon. Check IMEI Samsung. Input IMEI or Serial Number then press Check Information to get your phone's information and exact firmwares for your phone. Check Information and Firmware.

Use the phone's settings. Open the " Settings " app on your Samsung phone. Scroll down and select " About phone " or " About device ." Look for the " Status " or " Phone information " section. Here, you should find the IMEI and serial number listed along with other device information. Check the device packaging or documentation.

Langkah 1. Buka Pengaturan > Pembaruan perangkat lunak. Langkah 2. Ketuk Unduh dan instal . Langkah 3. Ikuti petunjuk pada layar. Apa itu nomor model, nomor seri, dan IMEI. Nomor seri adalah nomor unik yang ditetapkan oleh produsen (seperti Samsung) untuk membantu mengidentifikasi masing-masing perangkat, seperti ponsel, tablet, TV, dan sebagainya.

Enter *#06#. The IMEI number will be displayed on the screen instantly. 2. Through the Settings Menu. A reliable method that applies to all Samsung models: Navigate to Settings. Scroll down and select About phone. Tap on Status. Here, you'll find the IMEI number. 3. Checking the Physical Device.

Cek IMEI Samsung. Ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang perangkat Samsung Anda? Gunakan pemeriksa IMEI Samsung kami, yang akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengetahui semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan tentang perangkat Anda. Jangan menunggu lebih lama lagi! dan periksa ponsel Anda sekarang. Satu nomor IMEI/SN sudah cukup untuk mengetahuinya, antara lain:

Enter your Samsung phone's IMEI number to get various information, such as carrier lock, blacklist, warranty, and more. You can also order advanced IMEI data check results at an extra cost.

1. Dial *#06# to see. your device IMEI. 2. Enter IMEI. to field above. 3. Get information. about your device. IMEI Number - what can I check by imei number?

Learn how to find your Samsung phone's IMEI number quickly and easily using the Phone app, Settings app, or the original box or sticker. The IMEI number is a unique identifier for your phone that helps you register it for warranty, block your SIM card, and perform other tasks.

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